Saturday, September 05, 2009

Salute to my special Teachers

Another teacher's day.

And I realized that I have never publicly paid tribute to my first teachers, my Parents.

Right from correcting my blabbering and helping me to pronounce my first word correctly to sticking with me right through the most turbulent period of my life, that's my Parents, my teacher. They have rejoiced with me, shed tears for me and patiently tolerated my many follies.

(@ Jungfrau)

Baba and Ma not only taught me (and my siblings) to remain steadfast when things goes haywire, but has also showed, by setting examples, how to resist temptations and be my own best friend.

I am extremely grateful for the solid grounding that I received from them. This is helping me raise a wonderful child single handedly, translating the various hurdles as challenges and taking them head on without compromising my genetic grounding.

Love you, Ma and Baba.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

now i really envy pranabda and chhitumasi