Monday, November 13, 2006

Ode to life

What is life?
A saga of breath-
One after another
In rhythmic chime.

What is life?
A trek through the dark greens
On shadowy path-
Strewn with thorns and boulders-

A journey –
A pilgrimage –
in search of that evasive love
which seems near yet is so far –
a journey, nevertheless…
in search of that eternal light.

Life is an uncertain saga where the only certain element is ‘breath’ which is the fuel that infuses life with all its triumphs and travails. Just like fuel, when it is contaminated, causes vehicular hiccups, in the same manner, the breath, when contaminated, cause life to hiccup. The hiccups, which I am referring to, are the various trails and tribulations that a person faces.

A moment can change ones’ destiny- that is make or break a person. Now this is certain in life. The reality is – we have absolutely no control over anything be it on a person or for that matter life. It is wrong to assume that everything we have is for keeps- be it our husband, our children, or material possession.

The more we hold on to these worldly possessions, the unhappier we will be. The sooner this truth is realized, the better it is for all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So poignant! Beautifuuly written!